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If you or someone you know in the state of Florida who is battling cancer and would like to see how The Barber Fund can help, please follow the steps below. No one needs to face cancer alone! WE ARE HERE TO HELP. 

* The Barber Fund is an all-volunteer organization where volunteers manage the organization. Unfortunately, due to our restraints, we are only able to accept applications for assistance from FLORIDA RESIDENTS at this time. We are not able to monetarily assist everyone that applies for a grant. We are proud to have assisted in many other ways by chaperoning appointments, helping care for animals, offering counseling sessions and so much more. 


Step 1:

Download our Grant Application & fill out in full. Incomplete applications will not be prioritized.

The completion of our application does not guarantee your request for financial assistance will be approved. The Barber Funds ability to offer financial assistance is solely based on our fundraising activities and financial support from the community, as a result, we cannot and do not guarantee your request for assistance will be approved. Assistance requests are serviced on a first-come-first-serve basis however, depending on need the order of assistance may change.

Printable Form

Step 2:

Proof of diagnosis is required to be delivered by your physician.

This is required to be mailed (certified) or emailed DIRECTLY FROM the Primary Physician of the recipient.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR PERSONAL MEDICAL RECORDS. We only need a letter from your physician stating that you are under his care and for what type of cancer.

Step 3:

If requesting monetary assistance...

Copies of your bills are required to be submitted with your application and must match what is notated within the application. The bills must be legible and must provide name, payment information, due date, and current payment due. The bills must be in the applicant’s name or of their spouse / legal guardian. Addresses are required to match what’s provided on this application. Please contact directly for special circumstances.  


Note:    The Barber Fund does not grant monetary funds directly to the individual/family. If approved, The Barber Fund pays bills directly to the collector.

Step 4:

Send in your completed application.

You can either EMAIL it or MAIL it in to the address below.



Suzanne, our Vice President, at

&  Blue, our President, at



* If mailing application, please notify Suzanne at

The Barber Fund Inc.

P.O. Box 536118 Orlando, FL. 32853

Your application will be presented to the Barber Fund Board for consideration. 
(Please allow 30 days minimum for bill payout as we are an all-volunteer organization. )

Step 5:

Please allow and plan for a minimum of 30 days for all payments. The review & processing of applications can take up to 4 weeks depending on how many applicants we have received.  The usual form of payment is mailing a check which can take 7-9 days to arrive. We understand that times are tough, and you may need immediate financial assistance. Please contact directly for special circumstances.



Have you or someone you love been touched by cancer? Help us give hope to people across the country by sharing your story. It's stories like yours that provide comfort and courage to others whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Tell your story

© 2020 by The Barber Fund Inc.


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